Culligan Nation Blog

Frequently Asked Questions About Water Softeners
Find answers to common questions asked about water softeners, including function, benefits, installation and maintenance.
Sustainable Water Filtration Solutions for You and the Environment
Culligan Water solutions help you become greener, cleaner and more cost-efficient with your water use. Learn how.
Are Water Treatment Systems Worth the Investment?
Many homeowners turn to water treatment systems to improve their water's quality and taste. Should you get your water treated, too?
What Are Your Water Resolutions?
The new year is a great opportunity to improve your home. And setting water resolutions is a perfect place to start!
What is Salt-Free Water Conditioning?
Salt-free water conditioning can be a great alternative to traditional water softening. Because it also offers a long list of benefits for your home.
10 Ways to Conserve Water for a Sustainable Living
Finding ways to conserve water will assure you a sustainable living while saving you money in energy and utility bills. And you can do your bit to save the planet.